Right Now

We Are Making a Difference

Every project we embark upon is a meaningful journey, whether we're delivering to food banks, creating safe havens, or opening doors through education. The profound realization that our work is transforming lives and alleviating hardships inspires us to continually strive with passion and dedication.



Veterans Day 2023

In November, Angels in Action partnered with Patriot Angels to sponsor Veterans Day events in various senior living communities. Veterans were honored with a commemorative pin and a certificate. We visited an abundance of communities and distributed over 3000 certificates and lapel pins. Angel Frazier from Patriot Angels commented, "The best thing, honestly, is seeing how proud they are that they had the privilege to serve our country."


Thanksgiving Meal Drive

At the close of the month, Angels in Action partnered with Patriot Angels to provide 72 Thanksgiving meals to families in our community. We also offered financial assistance to several displaced families during Thanksgiving week, allowing them to enjoy a meal without the need to store the food themselves.


Christmas Toy Drive

Every December, we provide foster children with toys and meals at an annual event. The children eagerly anticipate having a good time with their families and selecting presents from a toy drive that Angels in Action helped support.



We recently embarked on a heartwarming project dedicated to bringing comfort and warmth to foster children. Our team gathered to package cozy blankets, each chosen with care and compassion. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of community and kindness, as everyone worked diligently, aware of the impact these small gestures could have.



Thanks to your donations, Angels in Action was able to adopt a Veteran in a local senior living community, providing essentials like clothing and shoes for the upcoming year.



Our mission is centered on making a significant difference in the lives of orphans. Our organization is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and care for these children, who often face life without the security of a family. We offer a range of services, including access to education, healthcare, and emotional support, all tailored to meet the unique needs of each child.